What Causes Phobias

Phobias. While some people believe we all have them, the truth is they are not that common. It is estimated that less than 20% of the population in the United States have phobias. The confusion comes about because a phobia isn’t just a fear of something, it is an excessive, irrational, uncontrollable fear of something. A person with a phobia generally knows their degree of fear is excessive, but cannot control their response. They will often put themselves in greater danger than what they fear to avoid what they fear. For instance, someone...

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5 Ways To Face Your Fear Of Heights

Acrophobia, more commonly known as the fear of heights, ranges from mild to extreme. In extreme cases a fear of heights can prevent someone from living a normal life, preventing them from so much as climbing a flight of stairs. There are many ways to work through a fear of heights. At the root of all of them is a need to know what causes the fear, from an inborn phobia to PTSD the cause will help direct the treatment. Here are 5 ways to help you past your fear of heights: Heart Assisted Therapy Some people manifest their PTSD as a fear of...

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The State of Mental Health in Millennials

The State of Mental Health in Millennials According to a survey of over 2,000 Americans, aged 18 and up, ( the Millennial Generation, defined as those born between 1978 – 1999, have seen a steeper increase in both stress and depression levels over the past couple of decades, than any of the generations before them.  A study measuring depression across the age spectrum–traditionalists, baby boomers, Gen...

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Five Common Phobias (And How to Get Treatment)

Phobias are extreme, irrational fears of specific objects or situations. A person suffering from a phobia may experience disproportionately uncomfortable emotions such as panic or dread when confronted by the object of their phobia. These emotions can range from mild discomfort to debilitating fear and anxiety. No matter the severity, phobias can seriously impact an individual’s life and interfere with work, school, and social relationships. According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, about 19 million Americans suffer from one or...

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