4 Ways to Help Your Spouse with Depression

4 Ways You Can help your spouse with depression | Philadelphia Depression Therapist

Committing to a relationship means you are there for your spouse through the good times and the tough times. If your spouse suffers from depression, the tough times can be overwhelming. You may find yourself dealing with feelings of helplessness as you struggle to guide your spouse out of each depressive state. Dr. Eric Levin, PhD, in Philadelphia, PA, has worked with many clients suffering from depression and advised their spouses on how to help their loved ones.

Here are 4 ways to help your spouse with depression:

  1. Encourage your spouse to seek counseling. An experienced and licensed counselor, like Dr. Eric Levin, PhD, can be of immense help to your spouse by uncovering the possible causes of the depression, creating a treatment plan to lessen the intensity of the symptoms and teaching your spouse coping tools when depression strikes. Additionally, you should consider attending therapeutic sessions for yourself, so you can learn how to effectively deal with this life change.

  2. Learn about depression. The symptoms of depression can weigh heavily on a relationship as you fail to understand the reasons why your partner shuts down. To strengthen your bond, it’s important that you learn about depression and your partner’s unique triggers.

  3. Avoid doing everything for your spouse. While you love your spouse and it hurts for you to watch your spouse suffer from depression, you should avoid coddling as it can have the opposite effect you are intending. Yet, this does not mean you should support your spouse in refusing to eat, drink and take medication prescribed to treat the depression. Instead, try talking to your spouse about why he/she doesn’t want to take the medication. Ask your spouse to come to the dinner table for meals. Stock the refrigerator with your spouse’s favorite drink. The key is to keep trying to motivate your spouse without enabling the symptoms of depression.

  4. Take breaks. To remain mentally healthy and continue to approach your spouse with kindness and compassion, you must take breaks. Do not take time off of work. Rather, engage in enjoyable activities with friends and loved ones. You may feel guilty about leaving your spouse or your spouse may express feelings of despair that you are “still living your life,” but wearing yourself out can lead to arguments and mounting resentment that damages your relationship.

Contact a Depression Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

Loving your spouse means doing the best you can to steer your spouse throughout whatever challenges lie ahead. When depression bombards your spouse, you end up feeling bewildered on how to provide constructive support without making matters worse. Contact a depression therapist in Philadelphia, PA, today  to schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric Levin, PhD, today by calling (215) 792-6692 or send an email to setup a phone consultation.